Kusha Sareen

Joint Honours Physics and Computer Science @ McGill


Burnside Basement

McGill University

Montreal, QC

i study physics because one time when i was younger some little goober asked me “what falls faster, a tonne of feathers or a tonne of bricks?” so i told him my foot was about to fall on his face and then he goes “noo, they’d reach the ground at the same time cuz they weigh the same” and everybody laughed and since then i bid that i would never feel such embarrassment again.

i’ve been trying to learn some math but ive only just graduated to counting on one hand and decided i better wait a while before i start using both hands cause like what if i get an itch or something while im doing my homework and i need to scratch it.

i also read philosophy because i care about answering the big questions like “what goes on in the mind of people that put relish on hot dogs?” (not much i presume).

stuff i enjoy (it’s raining links): justice, thinking basketball, 3b1b, civilisation, death, euler, fry and laurie, yes minister, every frame a painting, gateless gate, mathpages, elucidations, american scholar, wandering aengus, nightingale.


May 10, 2022 learning to fly this summer
Aug 18, 2021 worked with kind folks at Armilla.ai on interpretable AI models
Apr 29, 2020 wrapping up my work at the Khadra Lab where i tried to understand brain plasticity